• I Spy
This simple game will be easy for even the youngest of travelers. Simply start out with "I spy something (insert color here)" and the kids will pick up on the idea fast. It's a great way to teach colors while on the road too!
• The banana game
Yes it's as silly as it sounds. Everyone calls out "Banana" when they see a yellow car, truck, etc. You could keep track on a piece of paper and see who has the most "bananas" when you reach your destination.
• Name that tune
Turn the radio to a station everyone can enjoy and see who can name the song the fastest. You could also download fun songs your kids will know on an mp3 player or to a Cd for the game.
• License plate games
#1- Print out a map outline of the 50 states for each kid, give them crayons during the trip to color in each state as they find the matching license plate.
#2- Call out the letters on the license plate in front of you and see who can come up with a phrase with the letters. Example- Dbg= double bubble gum
#3- Take a picture of license plates from different states and see how many you can get. Make a collage of all the photos or a scrapbook page when you return home.
#4- Call out a State and see who can find a matching license plate first by yelling it out when they see it.
#5- Try to get all of the letters in the alphabet in a certain amount of time. Someone times it, says go and stop, and everyone else jots down the license plate letters until you have a winner.
Amazon sells a great magnetic version of the license plate game
• Pipe cleaners will entertain toddlers
Buy a bag of pipe cleaners that come in an assortment of colors and ask your toddlers and preschoolers to try to make different things, or simply let them play independently.
• Puppet Show
Take along some puppets from home and put on some skits as your going down the road. Don't have puppets? Try making some out of socks. Melissa and Doug has some really great puppets.
• Storytelling
Everyone can take turns telling entertaining stories
• Spelling Bee
Have a family spelling bee on the road
• Slug Bug
Whenever someone spots a Volkswagon Beatle they yell out Slug Bug!
• Counting Colors
Someone starts and names a color. Then you say how many highway exits or miles the game goes for. Everyone points out trucks, cars, vehicles, etc of that color. The first person to call it gets the point, keep a running tally of the points. It teaches colors and counting in a way.
• Town Scramble
You take the name of an upcoming town, state, or county and everyone writes down all of the words they can think of that uses the letters in the name. We use a 3 letter minimum for the words.
• Animal Sounds
Simple fun for toddlers and preschoolers. Make an animal noise and let them guess what you are, or let them take turns making animals sounds and everyone else guessing.
• Travel Packs
Make each kid a travel bag filled with goodies such as stickers, coloring books, picture books, special on the road treats, whatever you feel is age appropriate and safe for travel.
• Comedy act/Tell jokes
Have each family member take a turn putting on a comedy act and see who can get the most laughs. You could also just tell jokes, or take along a joke book and take turns reading them.
Free stuff from home to take along for games
Coloring books, crayons, scrap paper, notebooks, storybooks, pipecleaners, construction papers, pens, pencils
Other fun stuff you can buy to make a long trip seem much shorter
My favorite travel games come from Melissa and Doug. They have some really great games that will entertain even the youngest of toddlers. My toddler son loves his Melissa and Doug magnetic habitats and the magnetic shape blocks. Both will keep your kiddos busy for hours!
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